Saturday, January 3, 2009

Red ruby




和朋友的看法相比,我倒觉得这甜品让我想起一首歌…“为什么要对你掉眼泪…你难道不明白是为了爱.. 若不是有情人要和我分开… 我眼泪不会掉下来,掉下来…”当一对情人被迫分离后,彼此一定会强烈地思念着对方…觉得有一种浪漫很残酷..在被夕阳染成红海的岸边注视着海平线,思念对方的心情让他想取一瓢深红色的海水,洒在自己身上,然而这无法减轻对她的思念,当红色的海水从顺着脸颊流下时,那海水就像化成一滴滴深红的眼泪…日复一日的思念被岁月所漂洗,剩下的是那被洗涤后而褪色的眼泪,粉红色的泪….初恋总是美.所以,悲哀的红宝石代表的,绝对不是初恋.

注:红宝石可以在CS FOODCOURT里买到.一碗rm2.95…并不是特别好吃.


Wanderer said...

Nicely said, I guess what u said is a common thing said by most ppl..

i think it is visible to our naked eyes too..

when u look at new bf-gf couples, u can c wat they do for each other.. every week must spend wif the gf, got a free chocolate but cant eat coz gf say she wana eat 1st, cant watch a muvi coz gf say wana watch together, everything is gf comes 1st, must do this for gf, must do dat for gf...

but lets say they move on to reli stay together forever.. wat happens? hehe.. i guess everyone just runs out of idea sooner or later and things kinda get slow and quiet.. rite?! hehe.. just sit in the hall read news paper, when the girl cook in the kitchen.. haha...

~kyi~ said...

omg...teddy u are ruining the good image of first love in my mind...
nvm..i will always give in to my gf,if i have.=.=

Wanderer said...

oooppss.. ehehe.. i din do dat purposely, im just telling u wat happens... u cant expect everything to maintain dat way forever kua..ahaha.. u dun c married couples keep calling n sms'ing each other everyday do u?! hehehe...

but dun let ur gf control everything la. haha.. i got a fren, aiyoo.. duno wat to say about him.. gf dun let watch this muvi, then he dun watch... hahaha.. gf call, he terus missing liao..

xiang yi said...

i like the last phrase XD